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Premature Ejaculation

We have A very unique Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation in Shree Ayurved And Panchkarma Chikitsalaya.

Premature Ejaculation is ejaculation of semen early during intercourse, Orgasm and emission of semen occurring just before or shortly after beginning sexual intercourse it is considered that an intercourse should last for minimum 3 minutes to maximum 7 minutes.

Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a physical or psychological condition. It can cause stress, relationship strain and low self-confidence.


  • Psychological Problems, Stress physical or mental can cause Premature Ejaculation.
  • Habitual Masturbation lead to PE.
  • Generalized weakness is also one of the cause.
  • Long interval of several days to weeks in intercourse can also lead to premature Ejaculation

While Treating Premature Ejaculation We Do:-

  • Consultation :- A detailed Case taking is Done. Necessary investigations are advised.
  • Medicinal treatment :- After Consultation as per Ayurvedic diagnosis medicines are advised.
  • We have our unique medicine Viryastambhan Vati for Premature Ejaculation. And Many other medicines.
    • Panchkarma :- Panchkarmas Are done as per patients Requirement. Commonly Vajikaran Basti is Advised and in some cases Shirodhara is advised for Such Premature Ejaculation.
    • There is a ‘Start Stop Technique’ which we advise to practice for Premature Ejaculation.

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