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We have A very unique Ayurvedic Treatment for A.D.H.D. in Shree Ayurved And Panchkarma Chikitsalaya.
A.D.H.D. Means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. It may Continue top Adulthood and Affect the quality of life.

There is no such specific cause is yet known for A.D.H.D. but it is believed that it is genetic, anatomically a difference in brain’s gray and white matter is seen in ADHD affected children and normal children.

Treatment :-
WE can treat A.D.H.D. with the help of medicines and proper Diet.
While Treating A.D.H.D. We Do:-

  • Consultation :- A detailed Case taking is Done. Necessary investigations are advised.
  • Medicinal treatment :– After Consultation as per Ayurvedic diagnosis medicines are advised.
  • Panchkarma :– in panchkarma we can make use of Nassya in some cases. And Shirodhara treatment helps a lot in ADHD
  • Meditation plays a key role in treatment.

By proper Ayurvedic treatment A.D.H.D. can be treated successfully.
For more Details feel free to contact us on 02266098148, +91996515991.

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