Erectile Dysfunction
We have A very unique Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in Shree Ayurved And Panchkarma Chikitsalaya.
Erectile Dysfunction is defined by difficulty getting and keeping an erection. It’s been reported that more than half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience some form of ED.
Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a physical or psychological condition. It can cause stress, relationship strain and low self-confidence.
- Psychological Problems, Stress physical or mental can causes ED
- Some underlying disease like Diabetes lead to ed
- Some medications can cause Erectile Dysfunction
- Some ED Problems Could be age related
- Generalized weakness is also one of the cause.
While Treating Erectile Dysfunction We Do:-
- Consultation :- A detailed Case taking is Done. Necessary investigations are advised.
- Medicinal treatment :- After Consultation as per Ayurvedic diagnosis medicines are advised.
- We have our unique medicine Dhwajabhanga Vati for erectile Dysfunction. And Many other medicines.
Panchkarma :- Panchkarmas Are done as per patients Requirement. Commonly Vajikaran Basti is Advised for Such Erection Problem.
By proper Ayurvedic treatment Erectile Dysfunction can be treated successfully.
For more Details feel free to contact us on 02266098148, +91996515991.
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